When Jean’s husband, Mike,  needed help moving their “stuff” from one storage shed to another, he asked if we would help.  Yea right–this could be dangerous—do we look like our names are Penske? Sunday afternoon, with our bad backs in tow,  we headed to storage...

-$ -$ -$ FOLLOW UP

For those of you holding your breath for the information that we promised would be revealed today, regarding your  finances—(or lack there of), stay tuned.  Due to circumstances beyond our control we are delaying our follow-up piece until all of our research has been...


“Life is truly a ride.  We’re all strapped in, and no one can stop it.  As you make each passage from youth to adulthood to maturity, sometimes you put your arms up and scream, sometimes you just hang on to that bar in front of you.  But the ride is the thing.  I...


What could I say that would offend you so much that you would take action?  Probably nothing.  For years we have watched Susie Orman beg, reason, threaten and show great frustration, (and at times even true anger), that most women just don’t seem to “get” finances. ...


“I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” Walter Cronkite (We at AgingButDangerous feel the same way about aging.)New opportunities of type levitra online pharmacy in increasing...