Nine Things A Woman Couldn’t Do in 1971

Nine Things A Woman Couldn’t Do in 1971

The following list is of NINE things a woman couldn’t do in 1971 – yes the date is correct, 1971. In 1971 a woman could not: 1. Get a Credit Card in her own name – it wasn’t until 1974 that a law forced credit card companies to issue cards to women without their...
Winter Fun and Hazards

Winter Fun and Hazards

Living in Minnesota, you have to embrace winter and have as much fun as you can, while anticipating the arrival of yet another spring.  Skiing, skating, sledding and snowball fights are part of Minnesota winter.  Unfortunately, so is also slippery roads and hazardous...
Introduction to ABD Travel Adventures

Introduction to ABD Travel Adventures

Hello fellow ABD members, I’m Lynne and I’m a travel junkie!  I started traveling 50 years ago on a 3 month trip after college with two gal pals.  During years of full time employment, marriage and family raising, I traveled when I could and dreamed of future travel...
What Are You Creating?

What Are You Creating?

What a perfect name for our group – Aging but Dangerous –  No matter how old or young we are, we are all aging, and regardless of our age when we do something outside of our conform zone we think it is dangerous.  But is it?  Maybe it is more dangerous not to...


To others of my generation who still do not and cannot comprehend why Facebook even exists, here’s what I’m doing to gain better understanding: I am trying to make new friends without using Facebook, but while applying the same principles. Every day I walk...